The late- Mr. John W. Nick died from breast cancer June 11,  1991, at the age of 58.                            

John W. Nick Foundation Inc. -Www


Male breast cancer symptoms

                The E-100 was the First Male Breast Cancer Booklet published in 1996 

Cypress Gardens FL Mothers Day 1991. One month later Jack (John) passed away from breast cancer  

Nancy E. Nick, Founder President/CEO  

Widow Patricia & Late John W. Nick weremarried for 35 years.

Early Detection Could of Saved his Life!   

Myrtle Nick and her Son John had Breast Cancer  

John W. Nick Foundation, Inc. was founded in 1995 by Nancy Nick, with the help of her mother Patricia in memory of her late- father John Nick who died from breast cancer at the age of 58 in 1991. John was a well-educated family man from Long Island, New York where the incidence of FEMALE breast cancer is high.

John, his family, and his physicians were unaware that MEN GET BREAST CANCER TOO. Who would have guessed that a lack of knowledge would have killed him? Due to the late diagnosis of male breast cancer, early detection was not available.

John went to doctors three times in eight years and they told him his symptoms were nothing to worry about. So he listened to his doctors and did nothing and the breast cancer spread through his body.

Eight years later his symptoms were recognized and a mastectomy was performed. The diagnosis was male breast cancer Paget’s Disease. The oncologist then prepared his treatment plan. Remission was granted for only six months. He then lost his battle to the cancer (it spread to his bones). Breast Cancer is Not Gender Specific!

The events that surrounded John’s late diagnosis of male breast cancer, even after his expression of concern earlier to three different physicians, was Nancy’s catalyst. She started this campaign to educate people and the medical community about the disease that killed her father. Her crusade began in 1994 

John W Nick Foundation Inc. is the Oldest Male Breast Cancer Foundation in the world. It was 23 years ago, in 1991, that Nancy Nick promised her late father she would tell the world "MEN Get Breast Cancer Too!" And we have kept her promise.

Handing out tens of thousands of life saving information and attending many health fairs through out the United States. We mail our information all over the world. The Nick Foundation has handed out 1000 pink and blue ribbons and 1000 car ribbons.   

Contributing Factors: For John's Breast Cancer 

  •  Hereditary Hemochromatosis (Iron Overload)
  •  Gynecomastia (man boobs)
  •  Estrogen Positive
  •  Alcohol
  •  Inverted Nipple
  •  Paget Disease -Paget disease of the breast is a rare type of cancer involving the skin of the nipple and, usually, the darker circle of skin around it, known as the areola.
  •  Unknown Jewish DNA through DNA testing 2011
  •  Mother Myrtle had breast cancer

Awareness Leads to Education which Leads to Early Detection which Leads to Saving a Life.  He passed away June 11, 1991, from a disease he and his family thought was for "Women Only." Awareness could of saved his life through early detection!

